FemCities Conference 2024 in Vienna, topic: Mental Health or Mental Load?

The Sigmund Freud Private University | Faculty of Psychotherapy Science and the FemCities network will welcome network partners, associated partners and interested parties to the FemCities Conference 2024 on the topic of “Mental Health” on the 26th and 27th of September 2024 hosted by the Sigmund Freud Institute in Vienna.

The location of the conference is barrier free. To access to building you can either use the staircase in front of the main entrance or the elevator behind the staircase right in front of the building.

Where does the event happen? Sigmund Freud Private University | Faculty of Psychotherapy Science, Freudplatz 1, 1020 Vienna

When does the event happen?
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Registration for Conference

26th of September, first day of conference

The first day of the conference will include keynotes by experts on Mental Health and an opportunity to get supervision by SFU experts


27th of September, second day of conference

The second day of the conference will feature a world cafe format, where organisations will present their programs within the area of mental health. There will also be a networking lunch.


Ticket 2nd day 16:00 Cultural Program Vienna Museum
